HireSecure Loss & Damage Waiver

The hirer is responsible for theft or any damage to equipment and should have adequate insurance to cover this. For customers that do not already have their own cover (eg. a Hired In Plant or Contractors all Risks policy) ViC Group is able to offer HireSecure Loss/Damage Waiver.
The cost of this cover is charged at 15% of the nett hire rate.
(Waiver charge is subject to Standard Rate VAT)

Plant & Tools hired out under HireSecure are covered for:

Loss or damage at any situation in Western Europe including whilst in transit between such situations.
A limit of liability up to £100,000 any one occurrence, no single article limit. (Excesses apply)

Excess (amount deducted from each claim) for amount of loss:

Up to £500 claimed – £25
£501 to £1000 claimed – £50
£1001 to £2000 claimed – £75
£2001 to £2500 claimed – £100
£2501 to £5000 claimed – £250
£5001 and over – £500

Details of cover and exclusions can be found on our downloads page or by following the links below:

HireSecure Loss / Damage Waiver Terms